Sunday, August 28, 2011

Biomass gasification generation power plant ( CE Approved)

1)Biggest company in China which supply biomass gasificatiuon powerplant.
2) Environmental-friendly,no emmission
Biomass Plant


The biomass gasification system produces a valuable gas named producer gas
(Synthetic gas).

: rice stems, rice husks, cotton stalks, corn stalks, millet stalks,
wood dust, cane trash, wheat straws, hemp palm husks and other forms of biomass.

system can produce electric power in the range of 200kW - 6.0MW

System concept and efficiency:

The production of 1 KW of power requires only 1.30~1.50kg of rice husks, wood dust or
crop stalks as fuel

The water used in the cooling system of this process can be recycled
undergoing a dissolved air flotation treatment and thereby having no harmful effects to the
ecological system and the environment.

Self power consumption of this systems is low with
percentages ranging between 5~8% of the generated total power.
This project is an ideal solution for regions where there are large quantities of biomass waste
resources, farms, nearby forests etc.

The technology of producing power by gasification of biomass is easy to operate, simple and
economical in maintenances and service, has no high pressure steam, no turbines and is easy
to start up and run the standard combustion generator.
The power station requires a small land area to operate. It is environmental-friendly, simple
to install, and it can gasify most kinds of agricultural and forestry biomass. These will in turn
produce very low cost valuable electric power energy.

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