Camda gas pre-treatment system
Biogas purifying
Patent in technology and design
Displayed at Shanghai Expo 2010
Camda Gas pre-treatment system:
Camda gas pre-treatment system is researched and developed according to the charateristics of biogas in our country and with reference to the desigh data of international gas disposing system and the experience from the practical project in our country. This system is suitable for all kinds of gas pretreatment equipment in the biogas power generation projects.
Ø According to the customers requirements,we could design this system as detachable system and undetachable system.
Ø Frequency inverter unit control can strenghen the stability and flexibility when the system is operating.
Ø The system has full automatic control and automatic/manual transormation, and the generator set control
Ø The systems automatic style, operating and gas consumption.
The system adopts etch proof design which extends its service life.
The capacity of this system is 40Nm/h ~ 120 Nm/h.( many specification options), This system is safe and reliable, and it has many advantages, such as long-time operation online,easy to install and repair, low cost,etc.
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